.. include:: ../README.rst Prerequisites ============= To enable CSRF protection, a session is required, Sanic-WTF expects :code:`request.ctx.session` is available in this case. For a simple client side only, cookie-based session, similar to Flask's built-in session, you might want to try `Sanic-CookieSession`_. .. _Sanic-CookieSession: https://github.com/pyx/sanic-cookiesession Configuration ============= ================================ ============================================= Option Description ================================ ============================================= :code:`WTF_CSRF_ENABLED` If :code:`True`, CSRF protection is enabled. Default is :code:`True` :code:`WTF_CSRF_FIELD_NAME` The field name used in the form and session to store the CSRF token. Default is `csrf_token` :code:`WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY` :code:`bytes` used for CSRF token generation. If it is unset, :code:`SECRET_KEY` will be used instead. Either one of these have to be set to enable CSRF protection. :code:`WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT` How long CSRF tokens are valid for, in seconds. Default is `1800`. (Half an hour) ================================ ============================================= API === .. note:: For users of versions prior to 0.3.0, there is backward incompatible changes in API. The module-level helper object is not longer required, the new form :class:`SanicForm` is smart enough to figure out how to get user defined settings. .. automodule:: sanic_wtf :members: Full Example ============ Guest Book ---------- .. literalinclude:: ../examples/guestbook.py File Upload ----------- .. literalinclude:: ../examples/upload.py Changelog ========= - 0.7.0.dev0 **backward incompatible upgrade** Upgraded to Sanic 21.3.0 and WTForms 3.0.1 Minimum python version 3.7 - 0.6.0 **backward incompatible upgrade** Supporting python 3.6, 2.7, 3.8, 3.9, and Sanic 20.3.0 - 0.5.0 Added file upload support and filefield validators :class:`FileAllowed` and :class:`FileRequired`. - 0.4.0 **backward incompatible upgrade** Removed property hidden_tag - 0.3.0 **backward incompatible upgrade** Re-designed the API to fixed #6 - possible race condition. The new API is much simplified, easier to use, while still getting things done, and more. Added new setting: WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT Added new method :meth:`validate_on_submit` in the style of Flask-WTF. - 0.2.0 Made :attr:`SanicWTF.Form` always available so that one can create the form classes before calling :meth:`SanicWTF.init_app` - 0.1.0 First public release. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`